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​劉明睿 Ming-Jui Liu

A Taiwan native. Ming-Jui has received several awards at various competitions in Taiwan and in the U.S. He has performed as a soloist and a chamber musician in the different venues. In 2016, Ming-Jui was invited to give a solo recital in I Seminário Internacional de Violão do IFCE (Fortaleza, Brazil). In 2017, as a co-founder of Arvo Duo, Ming-Jui gave a duo recital in the 25th Long Island Guitar Festival. In 2018, he was a festival artist and judge in the 4th Qinling International Guitar Festival (Shaanxi, China). In 2023, Ming-Jui was invited to give a lecture on the topic of "The Art of Transcribing Music" in Résonance Guitar Music Festival (Taipei, Taiwan) 

In addition to his performing career, Ming-Jui is a prolific arranger and has published several arrangements for solo guitar and chamber music in important publications, including Gendai Guitar in Japan and Taiwan Guitar Society. Several of his arrangements are available on IMSLP.

As an internationally recognized composer, Ming-Jui’s The Magic Hour, Passacaglia: A Song for the Ropewalker, Monologue No. 1 & 2, and Summer Nights of Formosa have been published by Canadian publishing house Doberman-Yppan. His Mirror of the Sunshine, op. 3 for violin and guitar, won the 3rd Place in The American Prize in Composition— instrumental chamber music, 2019-20.

Ming-Jui holds his Doctor of Musical Arts in Classical Guitar Performance at Stony Brook University. His principal teachers have included Chan-Juan Chiu, Zhong-Shing Shie, Show-Lee Huang, Kevin Gallagher, Frederic Hand, João Luiz Rezende Lopes, Adam Holzman, and Jerry Willard. Ming-Jui also studied harmony, composition, and arrangement with Wen-Chuan Hu, Howie Kenty, and João Luiz Rezende Lopes. ​

As a sought-after teacher, Ming-Jui enjoys teaching all levels of students. He was a substitute teacher at Purchase College (NY, USA) and Stony Brook University (NY, USA), and an undergraduate chamber music coach at Stony Brook University. Since Fall 2020, Ming-Jui has been appointed as Adjunct Associate Professor of the Conservatory of Music at Huanggang Normal University.


  • BA at National Taiwan University

  • MM and AD in Classical Guitar Performance at the State University of New York - Purchase Conservatory of Music

  • DMA in Classical Guitar Performance at Stony Brook University


  • Sérgio Abreu, 2018

  • Kolya Panhuyzen, 2023


  • 建國中學

  • 台灣大學政治學系公共行政組

  • 美國紐約州立大學音樂碩士及藝術家文憑

  • 美國石溪大學音樂藝術博士

  • Doberman-Yppan出版社簽約作曲家


八年旅美時光,明睿以獨奏家、室內樂音樂家的身分訪及台灣、美國、加拿大、巴西以及中國各地,表演回響熱烈,作曲家黃俊達、João Luiz Rezende Lopes皆曾寫作題獻。除演出之外,明睿常年於日本現代吉他雜誌發表改編作品,留美期間更與國際間最重要古典吉他音樂出版社之一的加拿大Doberman-Yppan出版社簽約發表個人作品,是台灣第一位在海外重要音樂出版社大量發行出版品的吉他作曲家。2022年明睿接受美國吉他基金會 (Guitar Foundation of America, GFA) 委託,寫作吉他二重奏作品《雨中的凱達格蘭港》 (The Rainy Ketagalan Harbor) ,是第一位接受該殊榮的台灣人;《雨中的凱達格蘭港》於同年的長島吉他音樂節以及美國吉他基金會 2022年會中演出,廣受好評。


明睿吉他師事邱嬋娟、謝忠興老師、Kevin Gallagher、Frederic Hand、João Luiz Rezende Lopes、Adam Holzman以及Jerry Willard;就讀建國中學期間曾受黃修禮老師兩年社團指導,台大期間則為徐昭宇、馬德睿老師;也曾接受方銘健教授、莊維仁老師大師班指導。
和聲作曲方面師事胡文娟老師、Howie Kenty以及João Luiz Rezende Lopes。

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